Here you can get to know our colourful team. All team members have different professional and additional qualifications, each of them contributes his or her personal strengths and enriches the teamwork, with the children and with the parents. We look forward to accompanying your child on its way.

Andre Nilkowski
Kindergarten Manager and pedagogical staff
Alma Demiri
Kindergarten Manager and pedagogical staff
Esma Yildirim
Pedagogical staff
Lisa Dömski
Pedagogical staff
Saskia Zabel
Pedagogical staff
Eda Sarigül
Pedagogical staff in her year of recognition
Andrea Eske
Practice-integrated training as a child carer
Nicole Freiwald
Pedagogical staff
Rebecca Fahrendorf
Pedagogical staff
Jörn Stölting
Pedagogical staff
Linnea Wember-Matthes
Pedagogical staff
Vivalda Pellecchia
Everyday helper
Leo Bernhardt
Practice-integrated training as an educator
Stefania Zoumpouli
Immersion specialist
Elvira Kaufmann
Pedagogical staff
Kim Eckhart
Pedagogical staff
Melanie Lewedag
Hayestan Al Yousef