We are particularly proud of this:

A multifaceted team with many talents
and a lot of fun at work.
Ebru Dogan
Kindergarten Manager

I have been working passionately as an early childhood educator for 19 years. In addition to German, I also speak fluent Turkish. I am delighted to be a part of Villa Luna and to be able to contribute my experience and expertise. My focus is always on the children. My motto in life is: You are never too small to be great

Marika Rosen
Pedagogical staff

In 2008 I arrived and stayed at VILLA LUNA after a few stations in children and youth work and a Montessori training. “A good start lasts a lifetime” has become an integral part of my life, because I want to offer your children an environment full of trust, play, fun and knowledge. The unique concept and the colorful team support me to give the best every day!

Sabine Mettler
Pedagogical staff

I have been part of Villa Luna since 2011. As a qualified social worker, I accompany your children by engaging with their individual world with patience and warmth of heart and provide them with a pedagogical framework of support and structure for their further life. The different areas offered, for example, in our group oriented to Montessori pedagogy, are wonderfully suited to picking up and encouraging children in different phases of their perceptual sensitivity. Recognizing these signals and then picking them up correctly is always exciting for me.

Jascha Kalbertodt
Pedagogical staff

Since summer 2017 I am a state-approved educator. Some time ago I moved to Aachen and am now happy to be part of the Villa Luna team.
since this warm and creative institution impressed me from the beginning. I have always been passionate about literature and music: the most important tools to make everyday life with children exciting, innovative and loving. Making music means living it. I would like to pass on this enthusiasm. I look forward to a good, creative collaboration.

Anne Eerdekens 
English-speaking staff

Hallo, my name is Anne. I am 26 years old and I come from Belgium. I really like to work with children and be a part of their exciting time of exploring the world, learning and growing up. Furthermore, I like to read, cook, be outside in nature and do creative things. Most of these things which make me happy I can enjoy together with your kids and I hope that I will be able to share my joy!

Julius Hoven
Pedagogical staff

In 2020, I graduated as a nursery nurse from the Berufskolleg Simmerath/Stolberg. Afterwards, I also started my training as an educator there. I am excited about the extraordinary concept of Villa Luna and the diverse and modern opportunities to work with the children. Working with children is simply great fun for me. My motto in life is: “If you have doubts everywhere, you will never get anywhere”.

Verini Deli 
English-speaking staff
Jasmin Brauers
Pedagogical staff

I have been a state-certified educator since 2015 and have since been able to gain a lot of experience and impressions in various U3 groups. After working for three years in a group with children aged two to six, I am happy to be able to start again in a U3 group. Being able to accompany and support the children in their development is a lot of fun and confirms me in my decision to learn this profession.

Pedagogical staff

I graduated from the vocational college in Stolberg with a technical high school diploma and a degree as a state-certified child care worker. Besides my mother tongue German, I have a good knowledge of English. In my free time, I like to be outdoors, which is why I also enjoy working with children in the natural sciences and technology. I am looking forward to working at Villa Luna because the concept is very different from other institutions. I already felt very comfortable during my first interview.

Angelina Kasnitz
Pedagogical staff

At Villa Luna, I was particularly attracted by the different pedagogical approaches, the bilingualism and the atmospherically furnished rooms. The open, appreciative and friendly teamwork made me feel at home right away. My heart swells when I work with children. My motivation for working as an educator is to accompany and strengthen the children individually in their development. I am particularly fascinated by how children discover the world. My motto in life is: “La vie est belle” – life is beautiful and it offers us many beautiful moments, experiences and adventures that make it special.

Vanessa Vorberg
Pedagogical staff

In July 2015, I successfully completed my training as a state-certified social assistant. Teamwork is important to me, I enjoy it and everyone can contribute. It is nice to be rewarded for the work with shining children’s eyes. My motto in life is: “Don’t dream your life, live your dream”. I am looking forward to many wonderful experiences, adventures and to a good cooperation with you and your children.

Nursen Varlik
Pedagogical staff

In 2017, I graduated in the field of education in childhood pedagogy, with a focus on aesthetics and natural science. After my Bachelor’s degree, I became part of the Villa Luna team in Düsseldorf-Grafenberg. I also completed the course to become a certified daycare centre manager in 2021. After our move to Aachen, I am now happy to be part of the Villa Luna team in Aachen. I am looking forward to working with new children, colleagues and parents. I can identify well with Maria Montessori’s guiding principle “Help me to do it myself”, as I am firmly convinced that as long as children are given the space to be independent, they will have the strength, the will and the self-regulation skills to live out their independence.

Anna-Marie Hahn 
Pedagogical staff

In the course of my training as a state-certified educator with European qualification at the Berufskolleg Stolberg/Simmerrath, I completed an internship abroad in Barcelona, which allowed me to gain initial experience in a bilingual daycare center and expand my knowledge of Spanish and English. I deliberately chose Villa Luna because I can promote multilingualism and openness there. I enjoy coming to work every day and look forward to shaping the day together with your children and the team. There is no substitute for a happy child’s smile and that is what makes the profession of educator so unique!

Jasmin Brandt
Pedagogical staff

Almost 16 years ago, I started my training as an educator and slowly worked my way up from trainee to head of the company day care centre at the University Hospital Aachen. From August 2013 to April 2016, I also completed a part-time distance learning course leading to a degree in Childhood Education (B.A.). After 5 years in a managerial position, I realised that I miss working directly with the children. I would like to accompany children constantly from the beginning of their kindergarten years until they start school, support them and challenge them in their strengths. I would like to start this in a new working environment and with a new employer; that is why I chose Villa Luna. My motto in life is “Smile and the world smiles back”.

Antonia Volpe
English-speaking staff

I come from Italy and live in Maastricht (NL). I studied literature and language (English, German, Italian, French) and I am currently studying pedagogy, child psychology and Dutch. I really like working with children. Seeing children grow up is a joy for me. I chose Villa Luna because I believe in the Montessori method and in the growth and development of multilingual children (e.g. my daughter is growing up quadrilingual!). My life mottos are: “If you can dream it, you can do it!” and “Carpe diem”.

Ainhoa Ruiz Caballero
English-speaking staff

I come from a small town in the north of Spain called Barbastro. Nevertheless, I have lived in Barcelona where I studied political science and in Ireland where I improved my English working with kids as au pair. Nowadays I live in Aachen but I started my German adventure in Inden working also as au pair. So far, I speak Spanish, English, German and Catalan, but now I’m trying to learn French as well. I missed to work with kids and Villa Luna gives me the opportunity to make it again. After the first visit, I liked the facilities, the workers, the dynamism, and joy of the children.

Edméa Andrade da Silva
Everyday helper

I was born in Brazil and have lived in Germany for over 42 years, where I have found my second home. I have lived in Aachen for 17 years and worked in the tutoring industry for 12 years, then later in a language school as an office manager. I find it enriching to accompany the development of children and to work with their parents, both in good and not so good times. Working with children is a privilege: that’s why Villa Luna!

Lea Matthies

My enthusiasm for working with children came to me early on through my voluntary work as a coach for a children’s guard dance group and an athletics group, as well as dancing with children in ballet. I have also completed various internships at primary schools, which have encouraged me to want to work with children. I am always happy to discover and get to know new things.

Maria Bradatan
Pedagogical staff

I was born in Romania and since 2012, when we came to Germany, I have been living in Alsdorf. In addition to my mother tongue Romanian, I am fluent in written and spoken German and have a very good command of English. In 2022 I successfully completed my training as a state-certified child carer. At Villa Luna, the family atmosphere and respectful interaction with each other appealed to me from the very first moment.

Heike Reiss
Art educator

As an art educator, I support the children on their path of self-exploration in the creative process. Non-judgmental and non-competitive, the children can become familiar with their intuition and explore their feelings. They learn to take risks, listen to themselves, have space for their own inventions. The studio is a safe place to be brave and to be yourself, and I am very grateful to have so much support at Villa Luna for this wonderful task. Working with the children offers me the beauty of their innocence every day and gives me the opportunity for my own inner growth.

Vera Sternkicker
Dipl. Chemist/Natural Sciences for the Over-3 groups

I am a graduate chemist (studied at RWTH-Aachen), married and have two daughters. Villa Luna children have been discovering inanimate nature in my courses for more than eight years. I am very much looking forward to being able to teach children about everyday phenomena in simple experiments in Cologne Raderthal as well!

Maria Oleynikova
Early music education teacher

I studied piano, music education and early music education at the Cologne Music College. For many years I have been working in Aachen both as a piano teacher and as an early music education teacher. Teaching and learning is a pleasure for me and I love to encourage the children’s imagination and fantasy. There is a variety of colourful activities where even the youngest can sing along, clap and dance along and play various Orff instruments. This makes music lessons the highlight of the day!

Svenja Lauffs (currently absent)
Kindergarten Manager

“Children’s laughter is the most beautiful music! Even during my studies to become a social pedagogue, my career goal was clear: observing, accompanying and supporting children in their development is my absolute dream job. Everyday life in a day care centre is always a new journey and full of surprises. I have been part of the Villa Luna team since 2017 and have never experienced such an appreciative approach, characterised by tolerance and participation. But also the trust of the children and their exuberant nature make my workplace something very special.